GPS Guide – February 6, 2020

By Connect UMC / February 6, 2020 /

FIVE YEARS FROM NOW This Weeks Introduction: Over the past few weeks at Connect Church we have been discussing the importance of setting spiritual goals.  We are called to set the lifelong spiritual goal of sanctification.  Sanctification is the word Christians use to express our desire to reach our potential, or become the people that…

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GPS Guide – February 5, 2020

By Connect UMC / February 5, 2020 /

FIVE YEARS FROM NOW This Weeks Introduction: Over the past few weeks at Connect Church we have been discussing the importance of setting spiritual goals.  We are called to set the lifelong spiritual goal of sanctification.  Sanctification is the word Christians use to express our desire to reach our potential, or become the people that…

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GPS Guide – February 4, 2020

By Connect UMC / February 4, 2020 /

FIVE YEARS FROM NOW This Weeks Introduction: Over the past few weeks at Connect Church we have been discussing the importance of setting spiritual goals.  We are called to set the lifelong spiritual goal of sanctification.  Sanctification is the word Christians use to express our desire to reach our potential, or become the people that…

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GPS Guide – February 3, 2020

By Connect UMC / February 3, 2020 /

FIVE YEARS FROM NOW This Weeks Introduction: Over the past few weeks at Connect Church we have been discussing the importance of setting spiritual goals.  We are called to set the lifelong spiritual goal of sanctification.  Sanctification is the word Christians use to express our desire to reach our potential, or become the people that God…

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GPS Guide – January 30, 2020

By Connect UMC / January 30, 2020 /

FIVE YEARS FROM NOW SERIES This Weeks Introduction: When we set lifelong spiritual goals for ourselves, we must understand that our lives will not always be the way that they are currently.  We will experience a variety of seasons that come and go.  Through every season we are called to seek after sanctification.  Sanctification is…

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GPS Guide – January 29, 2020

By Connect UMC / January 29, 2020 /

FIVE YEARS FROM NOW SERIES This Weeks Introduction: When we set lifelong spiritual goals for ourselves, we must understand that our lives will not always be the way that they are currently.  We will experience a variety of seasons that come and go.  Through every season we are called to seek after sanctification.  Sanctification is…

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GPS Guide – January 28, 2020

By Connect UMC / January 28, 2020 /

FIVE YEARS FROM NOW SERIES This Weeks Introduction: When we set lifelong spiritual goals for ourselves, we must understand that our lives will not always be the way that they are currently.  We will experience a variety of seasons that come and go.  Through every season we are called to seek after sanctification.  Sanctification is…

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GPS Guide – January 27, 2020

By Connect UMC / January 27, 2020 /

FIVE YEARS FROM NOW SERIES This Weeks Introduction: When we set lifelong spiritual goals for ourselves, we must understand that our lives will not always be the way that they are currently.  We will experience a variety of seasons that come and go.  Through every season we are called to seek after sanctification.  Sanctification is…

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GPS Guide – January 24, 2020

By Connect UMC / January 24, 2020 /

FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD Friday Read: James 2:18-26 ” 18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. 19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. 20 You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith…

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GPS Guide – January 23, 2020

By Connect UMC / January 23, 2020 /

FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD Thursday Read: Matthew 5:14-16 ” 14  You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same…

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