GPS Guide – February 5, 2020
This Weeks Introduction: Over the past few weeks at Connect Church we have been discussing the importance of setting spiritual goals. We are called to set the lifelong spiritual goal of sanctification. Sanctification is the word Christians use to express our desire to reach our potential, or become the people that God wants us to become. The journey to reach our full potential is not something that we can do without the Holy Spirit. This week we will focus on the essential power of the Holy Spirit to achieve our spiritual goals. ~ Pastor Adam Ricks
Read: Romans 12:1
” 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. ” (NIV Romans 12:1)
Study: We can seek sanctification by surrendering to the Holy Spirit. Since we cannot conquer the power of sin and death without the power of the Holy Spirit, the spirit arrives in our lives as a gift from God. Often, even after receiving the spirit, we continue to fight against the wisdom and direction from the spirit. Our human nature often makes it difficult to submit to God’s plans for our lives, even when we know God’s plans are better. It is time to give up our plans and surrender to God’s spirit. Are you ignoring the Holy Spirit’s leading in certain areas of your life? Is there an area of your life where you are still unwilling to surrender to the spirit? Are you ready to surrender?
Pray: Lord, you are more wise than me. Please give me the courage to fully trust in you. Please give me the strength to surrender. Amen.