GPS Guide – February 4, 2020


This Weeks Introduction: Over the past few weeks at Connect Church we have been discussing the importance of setting spiritual goals.  We are called to set the lifelong spiritual goal of sanctification.  Sanctification is the word Christians use to express our desire to reach our potential, or become the people that God wants us to become.  The journey to reach our full potential is not something that we can do without the Holy Spirit.  This week we will focus on the essential power of the Holy Spirit to achieve our spiritual goals. ~ Pastor Adam Ricks 


Read: Luke 11:13

13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (NIV Luke 11:13)

Study: God gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit so that we can seek holiness.  While it can be discouraging for some to know that we cannot overcome the power of sin alone, it is equally encouraging to know that the Holy Spirit comes freely.  The arrival of the Holy Spirit in each of our lives is not something we can earn.  It is time to embrace God’s free gift of the spirt.  Have you ever felt the power of the Holy Spirit?  Have you accepted not only God’s forgiveness and salvation, but the Holy Spirit and the power to transform your life. 

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for giving us the power of the Holy Spirit.  Please send the Holy Spirit to me, and give me the strength and wisdom to embrace the work the spirit wishes to do in me. Amen

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