GPS Guide – January 30, 2020


This Weeks Introduction: When we set lifelong spiritual goals for ourselves, we must understand that our lives will not always be the way that they are currently.  We will experience a variety of seasons that come and go.  Through every season we are called to seek after sanctification.  Sanctification is the idea that each of us has a potential that we can reach.  Each of us can become who God designed us to be.  This journey towards sanctification does not happen by only pursuing Christ sometimes.  Each season of our life presents unique opportunities to learn something unique about what it means to become a disciple of Jesus Christ.  This week’s GPS guide will help you to think and pray about faithfully pursuing your spiritual goals through the ups and downs of life.  ~ Pastor Adam Ricks


Read: Galatians 6:9

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. ” (NIV Galatians 6:9)

Study: We must faithfully pursue sanctification during times of trial.  Life is not always easy.  There is a 100% chance that something we do not want will happen in the future.  We will suffer, and we will hurt in ways that we do not anticipate.  However, because of the presence of Jesus Christ we will overcome, and we will heal.  God will always be faithful during times of trial, and we will never be alone.  Because of God’s faithfulness, we are also called to be faithful.  We are called to continue to grow as disciples of Christ even in times of trial.  We should seize the opportunity that comes with times of suffering to become more like Christ.  Do I run towards Christ in times of suffering?  What can God teach me during times of trial?

Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to be faithful in times of trial.  Help me to become your disciple. Amen.

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