GPS Guide May 21st 2018

By Adam Ricks / May 21, 2018 /

Simon Peter Study:  Simon Peter is, without a doubt, the most popular of the disciples. Before following Jesus, Simon made his living as a fisherman. Peter was rom Galilean. This is important because of what being a Galilean meant. 1st century Jewish scholar described Galileans like this, “They were ever fond of innovation and by…

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GPS Guide May 4th 2018

By Adam Ricks / May 4, 2018 /

Read: 1 Colossians 1:16-20 Study: All that is and all that will be was created for the glory of God. Too often we look at earthly things as being negative. It is true that the love of worldly things is wrong when we place those things above God but we also know that the creator…

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GPS Guide May 3rd 2018

By Adam Ricks / May 3, 2018 /

Read: Mark 9:43 Study: While harsh sounding even in its day, this verse speaks truth into our society today. What Jesus is telling us here is that we should not ignore those aspects of our life that separate us from doing the will of God. Each of us has something that we do or think…

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GPS Guide May 2nd 2018

By Adam Ricks / May 2, 2018 /

Read: Luke 19:1-10 Study: Zacchaeus was a man that put his faith in the things that he had acquired. For him, to live a life that reflected Jesus’ desire to for a Kingdom of God on earth, Zacchaeus needed to let those worldly things go. His encounter with Jesus transformed him in a life changing…

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GPS Guide May 1st 2018

By Adam Ricks / May 1, 2018 /

Read: John 3:5-8 Study: “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the spirit gives birth to spirit.” What is Jesus telling us here? We must remember that the Kingdom of God was not some far off place that was meant for us after we die. Jesus wanted the Kingdom of God to be HERE! An earth…

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GPS Guide April 30th 2018

By Adam Ricks / April 30, 2018 /

Read: Matthew 6:9-13 Study:  What does it mean, “your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”? Jesus, while he did have great concern for the afterlife, he was much more concerned about this life we are living now. When Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God, he was talking…

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GPS Guide March 36th 2018

By Adam Ricks / March 26, 2018 /

Read: 1 Corinthians 12:13 Study: For centuries, people have argued about who has access to God. Some people have said it is priests or pastors. Some people have said it certain people who are wholly devoted to the Lord. What Paul teaches us here in Corinthians is that we all are baptized into one body.…

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GPS Guide Feb 2nd 2018

By Adam Ricks / February 2, 2018 /

Read: Philippians 4:8 Study: Do you think about your thoughts much? Part of the transformation into a follower in Christ is to seek a change in not only action and belief, but also in thought. Our thoughts are important. It is easy to worry or to be anxious in our world. Rightly so! But Christ…

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GPS Guide Feb 1st 2018

By Adam Ricks / February 1, 2018 /

Read: Matthew 5:6 Study: This verse is all about seeking the right things in life. We desire many things in our lives. We want to sext gadget, a new car, a new house, new clothes. Etc. While getting those new things can be legitimately exciting, have you ever been truly happy because of these things?…

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GPS Guide Jan 31st 2018

By Adam Ricks / January 31, 2018 /

Read: Matthew 6:33 Study: What does it mean to seek after God? Imagine you are trying to find a lost treasure some pirate buried a long time ago. What would you do? The wise thing to do would be to first learn all you can about that treasure and then you would go look for…

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