Sept 21st, 2017

By Adam Ricks / September 21, 2017 /

Read: John 21:18-24 Study: When Jesus got done asking Peter if he loved him, Jesus tells peter to follow him. What does Peter do? He turns to the “Loved Disciple” and asks why he wasn’t being asked to follow. Like Peter, when we are convicted to do something for the Kingdom of God, we often…

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GPS Guide Sept 20th, 2017

By Adam Ricks / September 20, 2017 /

Read: John 21:15-17 Study: If you recall from the earlier verse of John 18 when Jesus was arrested, Peter was asked, on three different occasions, if he was a follower of Christ. Peter denied knowing Christ three times. Here, in john 21, Jesus asks Peter if he loves him three times. This truly show Christ’s…

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GPS Guide Sept 19th, 2017

By Adam Ricks / September 20, 2017 /

Read: John 21:4-14 Study: When Peter and disciples were fishing, Jesus appeared to them and gave them advice but they did not recognize him. Jesus speaks to us in many ways but if we are not ready to listen for him, we can miss what he is trying to tell us. This requires intentionality on…

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GPS Guide Sept 18th, 2017

By Adam Ricks / September 20, 2017 /

Read: John 21:1-3 Study: After Jesus was crucified and died, Peter went back to what he knew best; Fishing. Peter went back to his comfort zone. How often do we retreat back to our comfort zones when things don’t go the way we plan? For many people, this can feel like being stuck in a…

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GPS Guide Sept 15th, 2017

By Connect UMC / September 15, 2017 /

Read Psalm 47 Study Today, rejoice and know that God is good. As Christ followers, we are expected to do a great many things. Those things can be joyous but they can often be exhausting and difficult. We often forget to stop and remember that we serve a mighty God who has freed the oppressed,…

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GPS Guide Sept 14th, 2017

By Connect UMC / September 15, 2017 /

Read Acts 20:35 Study Jesus never said following him would be easy. In fact, he promised us that it would be hard. His yoke is heavy but he promises to help us. Jesus showed us, through his actions, that we are to serve the weak. Serving the weak requires that we deny ourselves in order…

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GPS Guide Sept 13th, 2017

By Connect UMC / September 15, 2017 /

Read 1 Peter 4:10 Study We are blessed people. Sure, some of us might be struggling with our finances. Some of us might have relationship struggles. Some of us might struggle with an addiction. But we are blessed. God has given us all gifts and graces and has surrounded us with people and opportunities. We…

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GPS Guide Sept 12th 2017

By Connect UMC / September 12, 2017 /

Read Matthew 25:31-46 Study Being a Christian means serving others. We are more than this because there is more than just ourselves. Jesus shows us that when we serve others we encounter God. Jesus is very blunt. We HAVE to serve those who do not have what we have. It is one of, if not…

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GPS Guide Sept 11th, 2017

By Connect UMC / September 11, 2017 /

Read Matthew 17:1-9 Study When we encounter Christ, often our first reaction is to be afraid. What Christ asks of us can be terrifying. When Peter, James, and John encountered God, they fell to their knees. But Christ tells us to stand and not be afraid. All we must do is listen and trust in…

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By Adam Ricks / March 29, 2016 /

God created man in His own image. GENESIS 1:27 Why must we be born again? The answer lies in the scriptural account of the creation. We read that the three-one God said, “ ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. …’ So God created man in His own image” (Genesis 1:26–27…

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