GPS Guide 9-13-2018

By Adam Ricks / September 12, 2018 /

Read: Colossians 3:13 Study: As with any family, you will have arguments within your church family or with those you are close to. What is important when we disagree is that we are always willing to forgive and bear with each other. When feelings are hurt, it can be easy to either leave and remove…

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GPS Guide 9-12-2018

By Adam Ricks / September 12, 2018 /

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:14 Study: This short verse packs a lot of useful tips for helping people be in a church community with each other. The first tip that Paul gives us is that we should encourage and provide the opportunity for everyone to be involved in the congregation. He also tells us that being…

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GPS Guide 9-11-2018

By Adam Ricks / September 12, 2018 /

Read: 1 John 1:7 Study: What is John telling us here when he says, “if we walk in the light, we have fellowship”? What does it mean to “walk in the light”? If we follow the example of Jesus in the Gospels, we can see one example of how fellowship can unite people who are…

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GPS Guide 9-10-2018

By Adam Ricks / September 12, 2018 /

Monday Read: 1 Corinthians 1:10 Study:  Are we united in one mind? That seems nearly impossible! What we must understand is that Paul was writing this letter to the church in Corinth. He wasn’t saying that all people in Corinth need to be of one mind. He is saying that people in the CHURCH are…

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GPS Guide, June 19th 2018

By Adam Ricks / June 19, 2018 /

Take a moment to download the Nextdoor app on your smartphone or go to Nextdoor is a great tool for staying connected with the people in your neighborhood. I have used this app for several years now and have found it to be useful for keeping up with the news and people in my…

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GPS Guide, June 18th 2018

By Adam Ricks / June 18, 2018 /

  This week, I want you to begin to think about what it would look like if you threw a block party in your neighborhood. A block party is a great way to get to know your neighbors. Write down one or two people who might be able to help you plan a party. Along…

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GPS Guide, June 14th 2018

By Adam Ricks / June 15, 2018 /

Block Map Prayer Day Reflect on this past week. Did you do anything to address the priorities you mentioned on Monday? What is one step you took to make neighboring your priority? Was there a moment this week that you were proud of? Take 5 minutes today and be in prayer for your neighborhood. Pray…

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GPS Guide, June 14th 2018

By Adam Ricks / June 14, 2018 /

Imagine yourself with the time it would take to be a great neighbor. What are the things you would have to sacrifice to make that a reality? Why would it be worth it? What could change in your life or in your neighborhood? This is a strategy often used in counseling. If people can imagine…

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GPS Guide, June 13th 2018

By Adam Ricks / June 13, 2018 /

Read: John 12:1-8 If you were going to defend Mary in that moment, what would you want to say? Do you relate more to Judas or Mary in this story? They both seem to make good points. They difference between the two are intentions, however. While he makes a good point about serving the poor,…

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GPS Guide, June 12th 2018

By Adam Ricks / June 12, 2018 /

Read: Luke 10:28-42 What is your biggest obstacle when it comes to your neighbors? For most people, including those in this story, it is time. We are very busy people. We do not have time to get to know our neighbors. But Jesus tells us that those who follow him will make time for their…

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