GPS Guide 9-12-2018

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:14

Study: This short verse packs a lot of useful tips for helping people be in a church community with each other. The first tip that Paul gives us is that we should encourage and provide the opportunity for everyone to be involved in the congregation. He also tells us that being disruptive for disruption’s sake, get a congregation nowhere. We all, at times, disagree with others. Instead of being disruptive or talking behind backs, Paul encourages conversation. Paul also tells us that we should constantly keep an eye out for those in our community who are disheartened and those are weak. As a Church family, we should be lifting everyone up. This is something Connect church does very well. How could we do this better? Finally, Paul calls us all to be patient. Change does not happen fast, and we must always remember that we are a church of broken people seeking wholeness.

Pray: Thank you Lord for this congregation we are a part of. As we seek you, draw us together so that, when there are differences to be had, we can come together in love. Amen

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