Read: Luke 19:1-10 Study: Zacchaeus was a man that put his faith in the things that he had acquired. For him, to live a life that reflected Jesus’ desire to for a Kingdom of God on earth, Zacchaeus needed to let those worldly things go. His encounter with Jesus transformed him in a life changing…
Read MoreRead: John 3:5-8 Study: “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the spirit gives birth to spirit.” What is Jesus telling us here? We must remember that the Kingdom of God was not some far off place that was meant for us after we die. Jesus wanted the Kingdom of God to be HERE! An earth…
Read MoreRead: Matthew 6:9-13 Study: What does it mean, “your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”? Jesus, while he did have great concern for the afterlife, he was much more concerned about this life we are living now. When Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God, he was talking…
Read MoreRead: 1 Corinthians 12:13 Study: For centuries, people have argued about who has access to God. Some people have said it is priests or pastors. Some people have said it certain people who are wholly devoted to the Lord. What Paul teaches us here in Corinthians is that we all are baptized into one body.…
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