What would you change about your husband?

Earlier this week we asked married men what one thing they would change about their wives.  Now it’s time to turn the tables!  Over time married couples discover each others idiosyncrasies and the things that drive them crazy.  You may not want to answer aloud depending on your answer, but what is one thing you would change about your husband if you could?  Click to find out what the top five reasons women said in a recent survey!

According to a recent survey, these were the top five things married men would change about their wives if they could:

  1. I wish he would listen to me.
  2. I want him to share his feelings with me.
  3. I wish he weren’t so short-tempered.
  4. I’d like him to help me around the house.
  5. I wish he weren’t so negative.

If you’re a married man, which one of these do you think you are the worst at?  What is one thing you might do to work on that area?


This blog is part of a series of posts looking forward to our new sermon series, Love to Stay, based on the popular book by Adam Hamilton.  Join us for free lunch on February 8th as we discover together how the Christian life can enrich our marriages!


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