O holy LORD, who art a merciful embracer of true penitents, but yet a consuming fire towards obstinate sinners; be you pleased to soften and melt this hard heart, that I may bewail the iniquities of my life. Strike this rock, O LORD, that the waters may flow out. My drowsy soul has too long…
Read MoreO merciful LORD, who has made of one blood, and redeemed by one ransom, all nations of men, let me never harden my bowels against any that partake of the same nature and redemption with me, but grant me charity towards all men. Give me, O you Father of compassions, such a tenderness and meltingness…
Read MoreAgreeable to this his one desire, is the one design of his life, namely, “not to do his own will, but the will of Him that sent him.” His one intention at all times and in all things is, not to please himself, but Him whom his soul loveth. He has a single eye. And…
Read MoreO merciful GOD, thy wisdom is infinite to choose, and thy love forward to dispense good things to us; O let me always entirely resign myself to thy disposal, and have no desires of my own, but a perfect satisfaction in thy choice for me; that so in whatsoever estate I am, I may be…
Read MoreO Almighty LORD, who never failest them that trust on thee give me grace, I beseech thee, in all my difficulties and distresses, to have recourse to thee, to rest and depend on thee. You shall keep him, O LORD, in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. O let me always rest on…
Read MoreWho has the Son has life. 1 John 5:12 NIV As soon as God takes unto Himself His mighty power and sets up His throne in a heart, it is instantly filled with righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. This is, in a degree, heaven within the soul. Whoever experiences this can…
Read MoreBlessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven. Psalm 32:1 Wherever the peace of God is fixed in the soul, there is also joy in the holy spirit, joy created I the heart by that Holy Spirit, the ever-blessed Spirit of God. He is the one who works in us that calm, humble rejoicing in…
Read More“Love is the fulfillment of the law”. Romans 13:10 Now is not this love the fulfillment of the law—the sum of all inward and outward Christian righteousness? For it necessarily implies merciful affections and humbleness of mind (“love is not puffed up”), gentleness, meekness, long-suffering (“love is not provoked, but believes, hopes, endures all things”).…
Read More“Love the Lord your God…with all your soul.” Mark 12:30 Religion of the heart is more than having the right understanding of religious things. One may be Orthodox in every point, holding only those opinions in harmony with scripture, even defending them zealously on all sides; one may think justly concerning the incarnation of our…
Read More“The kingdom of God is… righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:17 NIV The nature of religion is so far from consisting in forms of worship or rites and ceremonies that it does not properly consist in any outward actions of any kind. It is true, a person cannot have true religion…
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