For Charity

O merciful LORD, who has made of one blood, and redeemed by one ransom, all nations of men, let me never harden my bowels against any that partake of the same nature and redemption with me, but grant me charity towards all men. Give me, O you Father of compassions, such a tenderness and meltingness of heart, that I may be deeply affected with all the miseries of my brethren, and diligently employ all my abilities for their succor and relief. O let not an unChristian self-love possess my heart, but drive out that accursed spirit, and let thy Spirit of love enter and dwell there, and make me seek, not to please myself, but my neighbor, for his good to edification, even as CHRIST pleased not himself. LORD, make me a faithful steward of all those talents which you have committed to me, that so when you shall call me to give an account of my stewardship, I may do it with joy, and not with grief. Grant this, merciful LORD, for JESUS CHRIST’S sake.

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