GPS Guide, June 12th 2018

By Adam Ricks / June 12, 2018 /

Read: Luke 10:28-42 What is your biggest obstacle when it comes to your neighbors? For most people, including those in this story, it is time. We are very busy people. We do not have time to get to know our neighbors. But Jesus tells us that those who follow him will make time for their…

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GPS Guide, June 11th 2018

By Adam Ricks / June 11, 2018 /

Today, I want you to make a list of your priorities for the week. What do you wish to accomplish and where do you want to spend your time? Write at least 3 things that you want to focus on. Next, take a second to pull up your calendar. You can do this with a…

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GPS Guide, June 8th 2018

By Adam Ricks / June 8, 2018 /

Block Map Prayer Day. Review it and fill out any information you may have learned about your neighbor. Pray about the next steps you need to take to get to know your neighbors. Wave, say hello, and be friendly. What easier first step is there? Take 5 minutes today (set an alarm if you need…

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GPS Guide, June 7th 2018

By Adam Ricks / June 7, 2018 /

Read: Acts 17:26-27 God created all nations. How often do we look at other nations or peoples and think that they are inferior or less-than? No matter what we think about other people, the book of Acts shows us that God created us all. We are all one people. The most interesting part of these…

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GPS Guide, June 6th 2018

By Adam Ricks / June 6, 2018 /

Read: John 13:35 There is a song by Catholic priest, Peter Scholtes called “They’ll Know We Are Christians” that was inspired this verse. He wrote this song because of a phrase that non-Christians would use to describe Christians. They would say “Behold, how they love one another.” Christian love should turn heads and surprise people.…

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GPS Guide, June 5th 2018

By Adam Ricks / June 5, 2018 /

Read: Mark 12:30-31 This is known as the Great Commandment. While it may seem straightforward and simple, we cannot forget exactly why this commandment is so important. Are you someone who is constantly pouring yourself out to others by serving them or thinking about them? This can be exhausting! Christ says that you cannot effectively…

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By Adam Ricks / June 4, 2018 /

Take out your Block Map Do the Block Map – Take out the block map and fill it in right now… just start with the names of your neighbors… Did you have any epiphanies as you did this exercise? What did you learn or feel as a result of doing this exercise? Identify one neighbor…

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GPS Guide May 25th 2018

By Adam Ricks / May 25, 2018 /

Matthew Study: Matthew, the author of the gospel, was known as a tax collector before he began following Jesus. The Jews did not hold tax collectors in high regard. They believed that taxes should only go to God and not the state. Most tax collectors were known for being unjust and abusing their powers. Even…

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GPS Guide May 24th 2018

By Adam Ricks / May 24, 2018 /

Doubting Thomas Study:  Thomas Didymus was a man who could not believe something until he had seen it with his own eyes. When Jesus appeared to the disciples in the upper room in John 20, Thomas would not believe that it was Christ until he touched the nail holes in Jesus’ hands. Even though he…

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GPS Guide May 23rd 2018

By Adam Ricks / May 23, 2018 /

Simon the Zealot Study: We do not know much about Simon the Zealot except that he was a Zealot whose name was Simon. Zealots were Jewish Nationalists who held a deep hatred for the Romans. They were known for their reckless actions on behalf of their religious beliefs. We see Simon, the fanatical Nationalist who…

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