Take out your Block Map

Do the Block Map – Take out the block map and fill it in right now… just start with the names of your neighbors… Did you have any epiphanies as you did this exercise? What did you learn or feel as a result of doing this exercise? Identify one neighbor that you are going to pray for during the next week.

Take time to pray each day for that person, their family, and that you might have the opportunity to know them better. Choose one small “next step” that you feel God is calling you to take in the next 7 days.

Options you might choose:

  • Learn a specific neighbor’s name
  • Invite a couple over for dinner
  • Ask a neighbor for advice on how to take care of your lawn because their’s is nicer
  • Pray that God might open a door so that you may meet a new neighbor.

When you are done, take a picture of your block map for future use.

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