GPS Guide – February 11, 2020


This Weeks Introduction: John 1:1 starts by saying, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  It is astonishing how God created everything with his simple words.  It is through the world of God that all things were made.  While we are certainly not God, we are made in God’s image.  This means that while we cannot create a universe through speaking, our words do have power.  This week’s Grow Pray and Study guide will focus on the words that we speak.  Each of us has said harmful things, and we have missed opportunities to speak words of love and encouragement.  Let us study together some of the wisdom God has to share with us about the words we speak. ~ Pastor Adam Ricks


Read: Psalm 19:14

” 14 May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart
    be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. ” (NIV Psalm 19:14)

Study: The words that we speak are vital for a healthy relationship with God.  When we pray and when we worship, it is often important to put our thoughts into words.  When we speak to God clearly it paves the way for God to give us guidance in times of prayer.  When we put into words our love and adoration for God, it allows us to offer true gratitude to him.  What are the words that you need to speak to God?  Have you expressed your pain, desires, joy and hope to God?  How do words impact your relationship with God?

Prayer: Lord God, please remind me of the importance of speaking to you.  I want to speak to you about all of my hopes, dreams, fears, pains, thoughts, and feelings.  Please help me to not be afraid to speak to you.

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