GPS Guide – Dec 20th 2017
Read: Isaiah 40:9-11
Study: Throughout history, humans typically associate triumph with toughness, with superior strength that demolishes whatever stands in its way. Isaiah’s prophetic poem, however, struck a different note.
In the poem, the strong, triumphant God bringing salvation does so as a caring shepherd, carrying
lambs in his arms and gently guiding ewes who are nursing. Images of God carrying lambs and gently guiding ewes who’ve just given birth “speak of special divine consideration being given to those in greatest need.” (Dictionary of Biblical Imagery) Who are the “lambs” you’re called to care for among your family, friends or co-workers? When you’re the one in need, who helps you?
Pray: Divine God, thank you for sending people into my life to care for me when I am down. Give me the guidance to help those around me the way you have helped me. Amen