Friday Read: Pslam 32:8 Study: Sometimes the prospect of teaching others about being a Christian can be intimidating and scary. It is easy to feel inadequate as a teacher to our children but we are not alone. We have been blessed with a book that is chalk full of stories of people who felt as…
Read MoreThursday Read: 1 Peter 4:10 Study: We each have something to give to others. Some of us have been blessed with a gift for explaining things to others. Others of us have been blessed with financial security. Others are blessed with the gift of time. Whatever gift you have, bring it to the feet of…
Read MoreWednesday Read: James 3:1-2 Study: I have been telling you over the past two days to teach and now James tells us that not everyone should teach. What is that all about!? There is a time for everything and teaching is no exception. Sometimes in our lives, we must do more learning than teaching. Sometimes…
Read MoreTuesday Read: Proverbs 22:6 Study: If you are a parent, your main job is teaching your kids how to be Christians. As we mentioned yesterday, your kids look up to you. You must not only be an example with your actions, you must also educate them in the ways of a Christian. Today, I invite…
Read MoreMonday Read: Titus 2:7-8 Study: It is the duty of each and every Christian to teach the younger generations what it means to live as a Christian. It is too easy to mistake teaching for words however. It is not enough to tell people about how to be a Christian. The best way to teach…
Read MoreFriday Read: Take a look at this webpage: Study: Take a look at this list. I want to challenge you to pick one discipline that you do not regularly practice. Over this weekend, try to set aside a small amount of time to try out this new discipline. Be open and have a mindset…
Read MoreRead: James 1:12 Study: Sometimes, when we seek to live out spiritual disciplines in our lives, we can fall into the temptations that the world throws at us. We all face temptation in our lives. It can be difficult to turn away from that temptation. Remember, Christ knows what it is like to be tempted.…
Read MoreRead: Philippians 4:8 Study: What things do you consider to be “honorable”, “pure”, “pleasing”, or “commendable”? Is there a person in your life that embodies these traits? Is there an organization that you believe is trying to live out these goals? Scripture tells us that we should think about these groups and people! Not only…
Read MoreRead: Ephesians 6:4 Study: Where did you learn how to react to many different situations in life? For many, we learned how to cope and react to situations by watching and listening to our parents. We have the obligation to teach the next generations the disciplines and actions of Christians from the past. If you…
Read MoreRead: 1 Timothy 4:7 Study: If you want to run a marathon next year, what do you do? If you were going to start a new job doing something you have never done before, how would you prepare? You would train! The same is true when in being a Christian. We should always be training…
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