Heroes – The Ministry of Teaching

By Adam Ricks / October 8, 2017 /
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GPS Guide Oct 6th

By Adam Ricks / October 6, 2017 /

Read: Daniel 3:17 Study: God delivers! The God who created the entire universe has promised to deliver us from the flames and trials of life. This is not saying that life will be easy if you follow Christ. If fact it might be even harder. But, when we follow Christ, God promises that he will…

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GPS Guide Oct 5th

By Adam Ricks / October 5, 2017 /

Read: John 15:13 Study:  There is no bigger sacrifice in our world than being willing to risk your life daily in order to keep those around you safe. Jesus gave his life for us and he occasionally calls people to risk their lives for others. If you are one of these people who risk your…

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GPS Guide Oct 4th

By Adam Ricks / October 4, 2017 /

Read: Deuteronomy 9:1-3 Study: Like the Isrealites who faced an enemy far stronger and daunting than themselves, we often face daunting tasks and are met with expectations that we cannot seem to live up to. What do we do when we struggle and seem abandoned? Like the Israelites before us, we must be faithful and…

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GPS Guide Oct 3rd

By Adam Ricks / October 3, 2017 /

Read: Isaiah 43:2 Study: God promises to never leave us. There are times in our lives when we feel as if we are drawing in responsibility, debt, addiction, or shame. Whatever it may be, if you feel this way, know that God promises to protect you and keep you from being burned. Take a moment,…

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GPS Guide Oct 2nd

By Adam Ricks / October 2, 2017 /

Read: Daniel 3 Study: As we see in the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, sometimes follower of God are asked to do things that go against what they believe. It would have been very easy for the three men to simple bow and obey the king but they put their duty above God above…

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GPS Guide

By Adam Ricks / September 29, 2017 /

Read: Pslam 32:8 Study: Sometimes the prospect of teaching others about being a Christian can be intimidating and scary. It is easy to feel inadequate as a teacher to our children but we are not alone. We have been blessed with a book that is chalk full of stories of people who felt as if…

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GPS Guide Sept 28th

By Adam Ricks / September 28, 2017 /

Read: 1 Peter 4:10 Study: We each have something to give to others. Some of us have been blessed with a gift for explaining things to others. Others of us have been blessed with financial security. Others are blessed with the gift of time. Whatever gift you have, bring it to the feet of Christ.…

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GPS Guide Sept 27th

By Adam Ricks / September 27, 2017 /

Read: James 3:1-2 Study: I have been telling you over the past two days to teach and now James tells us that not everyone should teach. What is that all about!? There is a time for everything and teaching is no exception. Sometimes in our lives, we must do more learning than teaching. Sometimes we…

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GPS Guide Sept 26th

By Adam Ricks / September 27, 2017 /

Read: Provers 22:6 Study: If you are a parent, your main job is teaching your kids how to be Christians. As we mentioned yesterday, your kids look up to you. You must not only be an example with your actions, you must also educate them in the ways of a Christian. Today, I invite you…

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