Message from Connect Youth Leader (02-2021)

Youth Devotion
It can be rather scary how our lives can change in an instant! With the pandemic, we can no longer just go out with family, have friends over, or even go to church without taking extraordinary measures to protect ourselves and others. Everyone’s daily routine has had to be readjusted. Some of us may be, at this moment, experiencing some extreme levels of stress and loneliness. To make matters worse we are constantly facing some new challenge that makes us just wonder, WHY? But, you know what? In Psalm 23:6: “Surely goodness and love shall follow me”. I’m sure you have heard countless times: God is love. And the best part is… IT’S TRUE! One of my favorite songs from when I was in Youth is called “Love Can Change the World” by Aaron Niequist. And the refrain goes …”but Love, Love can change the world, oh do we still believe that Love, Love, can change the world, oh do we still believe in Love, Love, God is Love, our God is Love and Love can change the world.” Do not forget that God is in control, he is taking care of you and he loves you! And while we are all living through some really tough times, God’s love is eternal and he will see us through.

Youth Reminders:
Camp dates have been (covid dependent) announced!!! Camp Spark is scheduled for June 21-25. The camp costs $275 per student, however the first four to put a deposit of $50 will receive an additional $50 towards the cost of camp.  With that in mind, we have an opportunity for fundraising available! On March 12, the church will be having another outdoor movie night, and any youth who contribute towards the snack bar will receive a share of the proceeds.

God Bless!Ben
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