GPS Guide – April 6, 2020
Read: Luke 19:38
38 “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”
Study: Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. The parade that happened on Palm Sunday was attended by a number of different people who were present for different reasons. Some people were celebrating, some were helping, and others were openly opposing what Jesus was all about. Just as Jesus arrived on Palm Sunday, Jesus continues to arrive in our lives daily. When Jesus shows up, we These different responses to the arrival of Jesus continue to happen in the lives of each of us daily. Every day we have do decide how we will respond when Jesus shows up. Somedays we find it easy to cheer for the work of Jesus, some days we choose to step forward and help make the world better by supporting the work of Christ. On our bad days we sometimes work against the things that God is trying to accomplish. We sometimes forget that the way in which we respond to Jesus is a decision we have to make every day. Each day we have to choose if we will be a faithful spouse, or a good parent, or a good neighbor. Every day we respond to temptation or demands on our time. The decision on who we will be every day is one that we must make every day. I challenge you to remember that today you must decide how you will respond to the things to which God is calling you. Have you responded to Jesus today in the way that you should? Do you make a conscious decision everyday about who you will be? Have you chosen today to be a disciple of Jesus Christ?