GPS Guide – September 12, 2019
Read: Mark 16:16
“16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” (NIV Mark 16:16)
Study: The act of sharing God’s love with the world, or evangelism, is a commandment that God gives to us. We are commanded by God to tell the truth, to refrain from stealing, and to do many other things that are considered to be moral. Just like many other commandments, we are given a directive to share the love of Christ. Christ died for us, while we were yet sinners, not so that we could keep God’s love to ourselves, but so we might share. God’s love is contagious, and we experience it best when share it with others. When we refrain from sharing God’s love with others, we do not fully experience God’s love, and we are also disobedient to God’s commands. Disciples of Christ desire deeply to obey what God has commanded. Each of us are commanded to be evangelists and live our lives bringing God’s love to others. Let us obey God’s commandment to share his love with others.
Pray: Father God, please remind me that I am called to be obedient to all of your commandments. Help me especially to obey the commandment to share you love with others. Amen.