GPS Guide – September 11, 2019
Read: Acts 2:38
38 “Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. ” (NIV Acts 2:38)
Study: Evangelism is an act of love. It has been said, “Shouldn’t we just let people believe what they want to believe? Isn’t it intolerant to demand others believe as I believe?” It certainly is intolerant and sinful to insist than another should die or experience some sort of retaliation if he/she does not believe as a Christian. However, evangelism is an act of love. God’s love gives each Christian the assurance that we are unconditionally loved. When we tell others of God’s love, we are giving them a gift that every person needs. Evangelism is not only about words, sometimes we can share God’s love with another (aka evangelism) by simply doing an act of kindness in Jesus’ name. Visiting a sick person, feeding a hungry person, or inviting a lost person to church are all acts of evangelism. Anytime we share God’s love with another we become evangelists, let us all strive to give the gift of love.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, please help me to remember that evangelism is an act of love. Give me the strength to share the love of Jesus Christ with others who need Gods’ love. Amen