GPS Guide – April 4, 2019
Read: Galatians 6:2
“2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (NIV Galatians 6:2)
Study: In Galatia, the church was made up of a vast array of Christians. Some of these were Jews while others were Greek converts. Some were rich while some were poor. Some were men and some were women. This diversity led to some division among their church. We see this same thing today. Because of the differences that we see in our churches, division occurs. In his letter, Paul is encouraging unity in the midst of these differences. Each of us come to the table with burdens and hardships. Paul encourages us to work together to help carry these burdens. Life is easier when we all work together. What can you do today to help someone who is your brother or sister in Christ?
Pray: Lord God, I lay all of my burdens at your feet. Show me how to help those who need me. I am your servant. Amen.