GPS Guide – January 15, 2019
Read: Isaiah 40:29
“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” (NIV Isaiah 40:29)
Study: We live in a messy world. Sometimes this world can make you feel exhausted or beat down. The good news in this is that we worship a God who gives unbelievable strength and perseverance to so many people. Throughout scripture and history, God has shown up and given relief and strength to the oppressed and weak. When Mordecai was weak and the Jews were at the mercy of king Xerxes, the Lord showed up through the actions of Esther and saved his people. Today, if you feel weak, ask the Lord for strength. If you feel strong in Christ, reach out to someone else and share what Christ has given you.
Prayer: When I am weak, you make me strong. When I am tired, you show me the way. Thank you Lord for your majesty. Amen.