GPS Guide Jan 30th 2018
Read: Mark 12:28-34
Study: In this verse, a teacher comes to Jesus and asks him what the most important commandment is. Jesus’ answer is simple but powerful. By answering with the two commands “love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your mind and all your streangth” and “love your neighbor as yourself”, Jesus shows us how much he values relationships. The most important commandments involve our relationship with God and our relationship with those around us. Relationships are often difficult but we know that they are essential to our Christian life. Is your relationship with God healthy? Is your relationship with others healthy? Ponder those relationships as you go throughout your day.
Prayer: Heavenly God, thank you for the relationships you have placed in my life. Help me to improve my relationship with you and my relationships with those around me. Amen.