GPS Guide Nov 7th

Read: Genesis 14:19-20, 28:16-22, Malachi 3:7-10

Study: The idea of giving one-tenth of what we have to God didn’t start in a church finance office. Genesis said Abraham and Jacob his grandson responded to God’s presence in their lives by giving back one-tenth to God in ways that fit their time and place. After Israel’s return from exile in Babylon, the prophet Malachi said that Israelites who clung to all their resources were “robbing God.” Do your financial records, whatever the specific amounts or percentages involved, bear clear witness to your faith and commitment to God?

Prayer: Loving God, thank you for the strength, abilities and ingenuity you have given me. Help me to recognize you, thank you and give back to you from the money and goods I have in my life. Amen.

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