GPS Guide Sept 13th, 2017
1 Peter 4:10
We are blessed people. Sure, some of us might be struggling with our finances. Some of us might have relationship struggles. Some of us might struggle with an addiction. But we are blessed. God has given us all gifts and graces and has surrounded us with people and opportunities. We have been blessed so that we can, in turn, go out and be a blessing to others. What a gift it is to be a blessing! Keep your eye out today for an opportunity to bless someone else. Maybe it is something as simple as a passing hello or maybe paying for someone’s meal. Whatever it is, try to find that opportunity to show God’s love through your actions.
Thank you God for the blessings you have placed before me. Help me to use those gifts to show your love to the world. Give me the courage to do this in a tangible way. In your blessed name, Amen.