“You almost persuade me to become a Christian.” ACTS 26:28 NKJV Ever since the rise of Christianity, many in every age and nation have stood with King Agrippa in his words to the apostle Paul: Almost persuaded to be a Christian. However, since it avails nothing with God to go only thus far, it is important to consider what it means being almost, and also being altogether, a Christian. Implied in being almost a Christian is, first, primitive honesty. Not the honesty merely recommended in the writings of the uncivilized, godless philosophers but the sort which common pagans expected one of another, and many of them actually practiced. They were taught not to be unjust. Not to oppress the poor, nor to use extortion, nor cheat the poor or the rich, nor to defraud, and, if it were possible, to owe no one anything. They commonly allowed that some regard be paid to truth as well as to justice. They held in abomination anyone who would call God to witness to a lie, or one who falsely accused another. Indeed, willful liars were counted disgraceful pests of society. Again, there was a sort of love and assistance they expected from one another. This included not just the little deeds of humanity, but feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and, in general, giving to the needy whatever they themselves had and did not need. Yet all this is merely primitive honesty, not Christianity.

Wesley, John (2011-02-01). Renew My Heart (Classic Insights) . Barbour Publishing, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

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