Special Online Giving Message:
Connect UMC will be changing our online giving platform site March 1, 2025. We are transitioning from Vanco (current secure online payment site) to Church Office Online Giving (new secure online payment site) . This transition will help streamline our contribution records and reduce fees the church is currently pays associated with electronic giving. Before selecting current or new giving links, please read details found below links for more information.
New Site Setup & Creating User Login Instructions: (Read before clicking new giving link below) First time user to new giving site, select "Sign In" tab, at bottom of new screen find statement "Don't have giving account?", then click blue highlighted "Create One" to register your new giving account user login information. After creating your unique login, you can setup one time or reoccuring online (electronic) giving.

If you already are giving online: You can continue to give through your current online giving link (Vanco) until the official switch. However, we do ask on or before March 1st, please go to the new online system to register (create a user login) and make the switch. After setting this up, don't forget to login to old giving site (Vanco link) to edit/turn-off any automatic payments you have established on the "old" Vanco system.
Click here for old giving link (Vanco site) (to deactivate old system)
If you're new to online giving: Please select the new "Church Office Online Giving" link to setup any one time or reoccuring giving. Use instructions noted above "New Site Setup..."
Giving is an act of worship. We give because God first gave to us. He gave us His son as our savior and continues to provide blessings to each of us. By bringing back a portion of our blessings to God and honoring God with generous offerings, we express our gratitude for God's faithfulness. For some people, this may involve giving money to a church for the first time. For others, it means having faith that God will enable them to be generous. Through your faithful tithes and offerings, we are able to accomplish God's work in our church and amoungst our community.
- Mailing a check to our church (Connect UMC, 5400 N. Coltrane Rd., Edmond, OK 73034)
- During our worship service (cash or check) in the offering plate
- Online (credit card or bank account transfer) - link found at top of page