Children’s Volunteer –  We have a large children’s program for a church of our size and we pride ourselves on the quality we provide. This requires a lot of volunteer participation.

Hospitality – Greeter and/or seating – As members at Connect Church, it is our goal to make sure that any guest who walks into the building feels welcomed. On Sunday mornings, we have greeters at the front door who welcome everyone who comes into the building. We also have people who stay in the sanctuary in order to greet new people and help them find a place to sit.

Hospitality– Food/Coffee Preparation – Another way we make people feel at home at Connect is by having coffee and snack on Sunday Mornings. We have a group of people who oversee the making of Coffee and snacks.

Mission Events (local and/or international) – We have many mission opportunities available at Connect. We volunteer both locally at places like Lazarus Community and in the past we sent groups on international mission trips.

Serve Communion/offering – Each week we need two volunteers to serve communion and take up the offering during the service.

Worship Technology Team – We have a team each week that runs all of the technology during service. We have a person that runs the slides, a person who runs the cameras and lights, and a sound person.

Serve at Evangelism Event – Connect is very active in our community. Anytime we have an event in the community, it is always a good idea to have people from the church being a part of the community. At events like Heard on Hurd, a food truck and concert event, we need people to help with set up and manning of our tent.

Congregational Care Team – Prayer Team: Each week, we have a prayer card that people can fill out with any prayer requests they would like the church to pray for. The prayer team leader emails out the prayer requests to the prayer team so we can pray for those requests throughout the week.

Congregational Care Team – Life Events Team: Life events are any time in someone’s life when they might need some extra attention or care Eg. passing of a loved one, a birth, or a surgery. The Life Events Team reaches out to these people and will often bring them a meal.

Youth – Connect youth is always looking for people to help out when they meet. We meet Sunday evenings at 5:00 pm

Neighborhood Prayer Walk – Several times each year, we send a group into the neighborhoods to pray for the people there. We walk and will occasionally hand out a flyer or a door hanger.

Interested in starting or leading a small group – Small groups are a vital part of who we are at Connect. It is our goal to have all members in a small group in some form or another.  Each small group has a leader who is in charge of the curriculum and the leading of each session.

Serve in a Small Group – Each small group has a few people who are have designated jobs that volunteers fill. The first job is the host.  The host is the one who organizes food and meeting location. The small groups usually meet at peoples houses or at the church. The next job is that of the Apprentice.  The Apprentice is there to learn from and help the leader. If the leader can not be there for whatever reason, the apprentice will teach. The last job is that of the Nurturer. The nurturer is in charge of caring for and keeping up with any personal needs of the group. If someone in the group is sick or is going through something in their life, it is the Nurturers job to help the small group care for them.

Serve in Facility Maintenance/Landscaping – With the new building comes upkeep. We are always in need of people to help with the cleaning and maintenance of the building throughout the week. As we enter into the spring season, we will also need help with lawn care.