Newsletter 06-02-2022

By Connect UMC / June 4, 2022 /
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GPS Guide – January 31, 2020

By Connect UMC / January 31, 2020 /

FIVE YEARS FROM NOW SERIES This Weeks Introduction: When we set lifelong spiritual goals for ourselves, we must understand that our lives will not always be the way that they are currently.  We will experience a variety of seasons that come and go.  Through every season we are called to seek after sanctification.  Sanctification is…

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GPS Guide Nov 22nd 2017

By Adam Ricks / November 22, 2017 /

Read: Psalm 130:5-6 Study: In this Psalm, the psalmist was comparing waiting on the Lord to the night guards of the city. They would sit and wait for the coming down. The coming of dawn was certain but not without the passage of time. In our world, we want things now. We have a hard…

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GPS Guide November 6th

By Adam Ricks / November 6, 2017 /

Read: 1 Timothy 6:7-19 Study: The apostle Paul wrote to his protégé Timothy that the truest measure of the good life is not material, but spiritual. He didn’t want the often-short-lived joys of material wealth to blind Timothy or the members of his church to God, “who richly provides” for our well-being. Then as now,…

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And They Came Seeking Jesus – 2 – Dec. 11, 2016

By Adam Ricks / December 16, 2016 /
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The Two Great Commandments

By Adam Ricks / January 29, 2016 /

Loving the Lord God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength is the first great branch of Christian righteousness. You shall delight yourself in the Lord your God; seeking and finding all happiness in Him. You shall hear and fulfill His word, “My son, give me your heart.” And having given Him your inmost…

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