Youth DevotionIt can be rather scary how our lives can change in an instant! With the pandemic, we can no longer just go out with family, have friends over, or even go to church without taking extraordinary measures to protect ourselves and others. Everyone’s daily routine has had to be readjusted. Some of us may…
Read MoreOur leadership team met and we made the difficult but necessary decision to move worship strictly online for a time. With our community numbers rising into the red, and with Edmond Public Schools moving to online learning, we feel it is necessary to suspend in person worship. We will look at resuming in person worship after…
Read MoreJust a reminder, your 2021 Annual Financial Commitment & Volunteer Card should be turned in this Sunday at in person worship, or mailed to Connect UMC, 5400 N. Coltrane Rd., Edmond, OK 73034 Adopt a Family for Thanksgiving All of the baskets at the Church have been selected. However if you wish to adopt a…
Read MoreHello Church Family! I hope this letter finds you all well. This has been a challenging, scary, difficult, and very encouraging year. As individuals and as a church family we have faced challenges, but also had great victories. I have been so blown away with how our church has risen to every unexpected challenge that…
Read More2021 Annual Pledge Month 2021 Annual Financial Commitment/Volunteer cards were recently mailed. This year, we have received a special grant that provides matching funds for any new pledges or increased pledges in 2021. Please prayerfully consider your contribution pledge and turn in by Sunday, November 15, 2020. You can also fill out your 2021 pledge information by clicking on…
Read MoreBY ADVANCE RESERVATION ONLY Nursery services for children newborn through 2 years of age. Limited to 5 children each Sunday, by advanced reservation only. (Drop-in day of worship is currently not available) Please contact Anna Rognas via email ( to reserve a spot by noon Friday before worship. Include parents contact information (name/cell phone/email) as…
Read MoreConnect Children’s Church resumes Sunday October 11, 2020. Open to all boys and girls, age 3 through 5th grade. Class will be held outdoors (weather permitting). Children will return to main worship before communion. If you would like to help teach an upcoming class (two volunteers per week requested, a class leader and class helper),…
Read MoreDear Church Family, These past months have been a very trying time for everyone. We would like to thank you for your patience and faithfulness during this time. We know it has been difficult not seeing one another and sharing in Christian fellowship each week. As we prepare to resume in-person worship and programming there are many steps required…
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