Not an Outward Religion

By Adam Ricks / January 25, 2016 /

“The Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking.” Romans 14:17 In the above scripture and others, the apostle Paul declares that true religion does not consistent food and drink: not in any ritual observance – no outward thing, nothing exterior to the heart. The whole substance of true religion lives in…

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The Fruit We Bear

By Adam Ricks / January 21, 2016 /

Those who keep the good word have avoided the deceitfulness of riches. Deceitful indeed, for they smile and betray, put out the eyes, harden the heart, and steal away the life of God in the soul, filling it with pride, anger, and love of the world. It makes men and women enemies to the whole…

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Stony Places of the Heart

By Adam Ricks / January 20, 2016 /

“They withered because they had no root.” Matthew 13:6 A preacher of the gospel cast the seed into the hearts of the hearers. The greatest philosophers cannot explain how the earth produces food from the seed sown. Neither can a preacher of the gospel explain how the soul of the person brings forth first weak…

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Parable of the Sower

By Adam Ricks / January 19, 2016 /

“A farmer went out to sow his seed” Matthew 13:3 The parable signify is not only a comparison but, sometimes, a proverb. It is any kind of constructive speech in which spiritual things are explained in illustrated by natural. The story is the literal sense; interpretation (explanation) is the spiritual. Resting in the literal sense…

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The Kingdom of God; The Kingdom of Heaven

By Adam Ricks / January 18, 2016 /

“Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near.” Matthew 3:2 The kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God are two phrases for the same thing. They mean not merely a future happy state in heaven, but a state to be enjoyed on earth—the proper disposition for the glory of heaven rather than the possession…

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The Righteousness of God

By Adam Ricks / January 15, 2016 /

In this devotional, John Wesley describes how God’s righteousness can not be earned through human works. “Whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame.” Romans 9:33 Simple faith is to “hard” for many people They make this objection: “If a person cannot be saved be all he or she can do, it will…

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The Goodness of God

By Adam Ricks / January 14, 2016 /

In today’s devotion, John Wesley talks about the relationship between our sin and the loving grace of God. Take a moment to read his thoughts. “Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means!” Romans 6:1-2 It may be that some do not speak of the mercy of God saving or justifying…

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January 12 2015 Devotional Moment Connect UMC

By Adam Ricks / January 12, 2016 /

In Today’s devotional moment John Wesley teaches us about relationship between faith, grace, and good works.  Please take a moment and prayerfully reflect on the words below. We have nothing of which to glory.  The apostle used words to this effect in the verses preceding the text (Ephesians 2:4-8):  “God, who is rich in mercy…even…

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Get Fit Sermon 2

By Adam Ricks / January 11, 2016 /
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Devotional Moment Connect UMC

By Adam Ricks / January 11, 2016 /

January 11, 2016 devotional moment is lightly modernized John Wesley excerpt discussing the role of pride in faith.  Take a moment and prayerfully reflect on the words below…

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