A Prayer For Contentedness.
February 10, 2016 / /
O merciful GOD, thy wisdom is infinite to choose, and thy love forward to dispense good things to us; O let me always entirely resign myself to thy disposal, and have no desires of my own, but a perfect satisfaction in thy choice for me; that so in whatsoever estate I am, I may be therein content. LORD, grant that I may never look with murmuring on my own condition, nor with envy on other men’s: And to that end, I beseech thee, purge my heart of all covetous affections, that all my care may be to be rich towards GOD, to lay up my treasure in heaven, and to set my affections on things above; so that when CHRIST, who is my life, shall appear, I may also appear with him in glory. Grant this, O LoRD, for the merits of the same JESUS CHRIST.
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