Lent Devotion Daily Guide – March 29, 2022
Today we will continue talking about the life of Jackie Robinson. The faith of Robinson is often an understated part of his story. However, the faith of Jackie Robinson was absolutely essential in giving him the strength to successfully break segregation in professional baseball. In 1947 Jackie Robinson became the first black baseball player to sign with a white baseball team. As a result Robinson became the target of much racist hatred in our country. Robinson was asked to not lose his temper no matter what was said to him on the baseball field. Robinson had to “turn the other cheek” to prove he had more class and self control than the people spewing hatred upon him. Robinson, however, was not a natural pacifist, and often had to summon the strength to not fight back in a way that would damage his public image. Every night during the season of 1947 Jackie Robinson would spend time alone in prayer with God. This time of prayer was essential in giving him the strength he needed to do the amazing things he did. In Philippians 4:13 states, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Many of you might be called to do something that seems difficult or courageous. I want to remind you that you can count on God to give you the strength you need. Kneel, and ask for God’s help.
~ Pastor Adam Ricks