GPS Guide 9-13-2018
Read: Colossians 3:13
Study: As with any family, you will have arguments within your church family or with those you are close to. What is important when we disagree is that we are always willing to forgive and bear with each other. When feelings are hurt, it can be easy to either leave and remove yourself or buckle down and be defensive. This type of behavior is harmful and does not lead to healing. Forgiveness is not easy and can sometimes be downright painful. But, Christ calls us to forgive just as we are forgiven. Christ has forgiven us of our sins, no matter how serious. In response to this love, we should try to forgive those who have offended us. When we do this, we can still be a family even when we disagree. Is there someone in your life who you have not forgiven? Consider what it would take for you to move towards forgiveness.
Pray: Loving God, thank you for forgiving me. Even when we are divided because of our differences, bring us together under you. Move in my heart so that I may forgive those who have harmed me. Amen.