
Connect Newsletter – Note From The Pastor (02-04-2025)

A Message From Pastor AdamHello Church Family!
This week I have been spending time studying the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. I will be preaching on this story Sunday. One of the things that keeps jumping out at me about the story is how unfair it is. The younger brother in the story does not deserve forgiveness, and certainly does not deserve to have a party thrown for him. The older brother thinks the whole situation is unfair, and he is completely right. What occurred to me this week is that Jesus is not a fan of fairness. I have always thought of fairness as a good thing. However, I have come to realize that Jesus wants us to be better than fair, and choose generosity. The father in the story is generous with his love, forgiveness, and everything else he has. In the story Jesus asks us to choose generosity over fairness. This week I am going to try and do a better job of choosing generosity instead of fairness.
In addition to my personal meditation this week, I also want to share with you a bit of church business. The Connect will be moving to a new online giving system this month. The details are included below. If you could take a moment and read the “Online Giving” section of the newsletter I would appreciate your attention.

My Christ bless you all, and I hope to see you soon! 

Pastor Adam Ricks

Online Giving
For the month of February Connect Church will be transitioning from our old online giving platform (Vanco) to our new online giving platform (Church Office Giving). This transition will help streamline our contribution records and will reduce fees the church pays associated with electronic giving.  If you currently have automatic giving set up please follow this simple 2 step process.

1. Go to church office giving and set up a new account. Select the “sign in” tab and then select “Create One” at the bottom of the page to create you new giving account. Please set up your automated giving for the amount and frequency you desire.
2. Log into your old giving account with Vanco, and cancel any active transactions. 

If you do not currently have automated giving set up, but would like to, simply go to Churchofficegiving and set up your new account.

We know transitioning to a new giving platform is not convenient, but we are very grateful to all of you for making this switch with us. If you have any tecnical issues please contact adam@connectUMC.ORG or Info@connectUMC.ORG, or simply call the church office (405) 285-7068), we will get any issues resolved.

As always, we are so grateful for your generosity and support. The ministry of Connect Church would not be possible without you!

Current Sermon Series, click image for more details
Sundays January 26th – February 16th, 2025 at 10:30am
Marriages, friendships, and family all suffer from types of brokenness. But bridges can be built, and wounds healed.

Join us at Connect Church, in person or online, for Sunday worship at 10:30am as we learn to bridge divides and heal wounds together.Already attend Connect? Be sure to invite your friends, neighbors, and associates for this impactful sermon series.

Galentines Event – Click image for more details
Galantines Lunch

February 15, 2025
1-3 PM at Connect UMC

Join the ladies of Connect UMC for lunch and some Paint by Numbers fun! Lunch is $5 per person. Several types of numbered canvas available to pick from and all supplies are provided. Bring a snack to share!

Please RSVP to

CONNECT UMC Congregant Spotlight
Wedding Anniversaries and Birthdays

Connect Chili Cook-Off and Great Bake-Off Champions

Charles Rushing ~ Chili Champion
Patti Reagan ~ Dessert Champion

In addition to recieving the prized “Wooden Spoon” of Champions, they each have bragging rights until next years event

Congratulations to Connect UMC congregation as well.  We had 9 hearty chili entries and 10 delicious dessert entries this year. Through all of your generous giving (purchases of “vote” tickets) we raised over $820 to support Mission events. Money from this event will be sent to UMCOR for the California Fire Disaster Relief.

Interested in short bible study groups?
Three new Adult Winter Study Groups are starting January and February 2025
Sign-up information for Short Term Study Groups:
Love To Stay – Sunday evenings starting January 26th: 4 sessions, lead by Larry & Dana Dallman
The Character Of Love – Thursday evenings starting January 30th: 4 sessions, lead by Susan Grove
Lunch With Luke – Sunday after worship starting February 2nd: 6 sessions, lead by Pastor Adam Ricks

Full class information/details are available in brochures found at our “Invitation Station” table or online on our church website ( )

Even though these classes have already started you can still join in! If you would like to sign-up for any of these groups, or need more information, please contact our Growing Team chairperson, Dana Dallman at and Pastor Adam Ricks at
Please advise childcare needs at time of registering for study group.

As folks in Oklahoma and Arkansas have been staying warm in the snow–and helping neighbors in need do so as well–we know that friends in California are in the grip of terrifying, relentless wildfires. Two churches have been burned, with many others evacuated; California-Pacific Conference Bishop Dottie Escobedo-Frank was evacuated from her home as well. 
We know the power of the connection in these moments, with folks coming alongside those in trouble, through prayer and giving. This crisis is still unfolding, as the fires have yet to be extinguished. Then as always, the road to recovery will begin its long and winding way. 
Refer to the links below to stay advised of the situation with our United Methodist family in the California-Pacific Conference. Give to the links they provide–to UMCOR, or to our annual conferences–who will refer donations on.  And pray.  When we do not know what to think or do, this must be our first step.  Pray for those in harm’s way, especially the first responders, and pray for wisdom and willingness to learn and act in healing ways. 
I am grateful to be connected to you.
Grace and peace,
Bishop Laura Merrill

Give to the CalPac Annual Conference : 
Give to UMCOR
CalPac Fire Update Website
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