March 29, 2024 / Connect UMC / Comments Off on Good Friday Note From The Pastor (03-29-2024)
A Message From Pastor Adam
It is Good Friday, which for Christians is a day of sadness. On Good Friday we remember the crucifixion of Jesus and how our sins contributed to his suffering. It always strikes me in a powerful way when I remember Jesus didn’t just die on the cross for “some people,” Jesus suffered and died for me. On Good Friday I always take time to be sad about the sins I have committed, and mourn the consequences of those sins. However, as we mourn we also remember what Paul taught us in 1 Thessalonians. Paul reminded us that even though Christians mourn, they do it with great hope instead of dispair. Tonight at 7:00 PM we will join together and remember the crucifixion of Jesus. I hope you will join us.
Pastor Adam Ricks
Good Friday March 29th, 7PM
The Friday before Easter on which the crucifixion of Jesus is remembered. Good Friday services focus upon prayer and reflection on the death of Christ and penance and special devotion for the believer. Join us for the special evening of worship at 7:00 pm
A Message From Children’s Minster Peyton James
To My Connect Family,I want to share some news with you all. After prayerful consideration, I have recently accepted a position at Chapel Hill United Methodist Church. Sunday April 7th will be my final Sunday at Connect.
I am grateful beyond measure for the support, the kindness, and the memories so many of you have given me. 1 John 4:12 says “No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us.” From my very first moments at Connect and each interaction that followed, I have been so blessed to witness and receive such a full expression of God’s love through each of you. It has been an honor to be a part of this truly special congregation.
Many Blessings, Peyton James
Easter Sunday March 31st
HE IS RISEN INDEED! Join us Sunday March 31st at 10:30am as we celebrate His resurrection! We will have an Easter Egg hunt for the children (toddler through 5th graders) after worship. Children are encouraged to bring their easter baskets with them to church for this event.
Click image for more details
Prepay online (link below) or via check in offering plate (with memo note “Men’s Group – April Event)
Prepay online directly with Urban Tomahawk (women’s group only). Link below. Please add note “ConnectUMC Girlfriends Group” in comment section of payment site
Our next Lazarus Community service project will be on Sunday April 28th at beginning at 1:00 PM. If you have not yet served at the Lazarus Community, it is an organization dedicated to serving the homeless community and helping people transition out of homelessness. We will need volunteers to go and serve the meal, and volunteers to prepare food. If you wish to sign up there will be opportunities in the coming week.