Connect Newsletter – Note From The Pastor (03-15-2024)
March 18, 2024 / Connect UMC / Comments Off on Connect Newsletter – Note From The Pastor (03-15-2024)
A Message From Pastor Adam
Hello Church Family! I hope this message finds you all well. As you all know Easter is rapidly approaching. Often I think we forget how powerful Easter can be for our spiritual journey if we choose to be intentional. On Sunday the 24th we will remember the story of Mark 11. On Friday the 29th we will remember the crucifixion of Jesus and on March 31st we will celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Each of these times of remembrance are opportunities for Jesus to speak into our lives and into our hearts. During this season I hope you will intentionally choose to ask God to speak to you this season so that you can be transformed.
~ Pastor Adam Ricks
Now through March 24th Help us decorate the alter! We are taking prepaid orders for potted Easter Lilies to decorate ConnectUMC altar and stage this year. $ 30 per plant. Prepay online through our website,, simply select the “Easter Lily Pre-Sale” image or the “Giving” link on home page or place a check in the offering plate with memo note “2024 Easter Lily” and number of plants ordering. Pre-paid for plants may be taken home after Easter worship. (Easter Sunday is March 31st) Proceeds (if any) will be applied to ConnectUMC. If you wish to note a special “In Memory Of” name(s) for your purchase, send email to Dana Kittredge ( with that information.
Palm Sunday is the Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in each of the four canonical Gospels. Its name originates from the palm branches waved by the crowd to greet and honor Jesus as he entered the city.
However, since the adoption of The United Methodist Book of Worship in 1992, this final Sunday in Lent has been known as Passion/Palm Sunday. A shift from triumph and elation to sorrow happens within this single service, setting a somber, solemn tone that continues through the rest of the week.
The Friday before Easter on which the crucifixion of Jesus is remembered. Good Friday services focus upon prayer and reflection on the death of Christ and penance and special devotion for the believer. Join us for the special evening of worship at 7:00 pm
HE IS RISEN INDEED! Join us Sunday March 31st at 10:30am as we celebrate His resurrection! We will have an Easter Egg hunt for the children (toddler through 5th graders) after worship. Children are encouraged to bring their easter baskets with them to church for this event.
Prepay online directly with Urban Tomahawk (women’s group only). Link below. Please add note “ConnectUMC Girlfriends Group” in comment section of payment site