
Connect Newsletter – Note From The Pastor (11-16-2023)

A Message From Pastor AdamHello Church Family!
I hope you are having a great fall as you prepare for the holiday season. All sorts of exciting things will be happening at Connect in the coming months. Be sure to scroll down and read about the upcoming events. Christmas time at Connect is always a joy to me, and I pray it will be a blessing to you as well.

This Sunday is our Pledge Sunday. Throughout scripture we are taught to be generous. We are not taught to be generous because God needs cash. We are called to be generous because our God knows it is good for our souls. We should choose to be generous with our time, joy, and compassion. One way God calls us to generosity is by financially supporting the church. Your financial contributions allow us to serve Christ as a community and fulfill the mission of our church. Currently our leadership team is meeting to plan for 2024. Pledge cards give the leadership team vital financial information to plan our missions and ministries for the upcoming year. If you consider Connect to be your home please bring your pledge card to church this week or fill it out online so our church can dream and plan for the year to come.Thank you so much for allowing me to be your pastor!

Pastor Adam Ricks

November 26th
Hanging of the Greens after worship

November 28th at 6:30pm
Connect UMC Annual Charge Conference at the church.

December – TBD
Advent Connect Group BeginsDecember 10th: 
Children’s Worship & Cookies with Santa

December 16th at 10:00am
Girlfriends Connect – Christmas Brunch and Ornament Exchange

December 24th at 7pm
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

“The Redemption of Scrooge”  
Advent Sermon Series Begins December 3rd.

Join us this Sunday (12-10-2023) as our children sing a Christmas song and help with worship.
Stay after and enjoy our annual Cookie Decorating with Santa event.
Parents: Children are currently learning/practicing each Sunday during children’s church. If you would like to practice with your child at home as well, please contact Peyton James, Children’s Ministry

Girlfriends Connect
December 16th at 10:00am
The Women of Connect are invited to our annual Christmas party at the church. Please bring a new Christmas ornament to play in our fun ornament exchange game.

We will be having brunch so please bring your favorite snack or brunch side dish to share.

Christmas Eve Candlelight worship services will be held at 7:00pm.  This is a very meaningful way to stop and remember the true meaning of the Christmas season.  Invite your family, friends and neighbors to join us as we celebrate the birth of our savior!

Winter Spark registration is here!
Jan 12-15, 2024
For more information talk to Pastor Adam (
and register HERE!
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