Message from Pastor Adam (08-27-2021)
September 1, 2021 / / Comments Off on Message from Pastor Adam (08-27-2021)
Hello Church Family! It has been a little while since I have written you a message in our newsletter. I wanted to write to you this week to tell you about all of the exciting things happening at Connect Church. This September we are launching a sermon series and big event called, “Putting It Back Together.” Lately it has seemed as if so many things are broken. Lucky for us Jesus specializes in putting things back together again. I hope you will join us as we experience the amazing things that happen when we let Jesus put it back together. This event will be a great opportunity to invite your friends. We have 3 special events you may want to attend and bring your friends. September 19 – Carnival Day, September 26 – Sidewalk Chalk Day, and October 3 – Treasure Hunt Day. This should be tons of fun so we hope you will join us! In addition to our Putting it Back Together event we are also launching a number of new Connect Groups, and a new youth time on Sunday nights for our 6th-12th graders. Be sure to check below for details and information. I’m so excited for all the fun, and hope to see you soon. I pray you all are staying safe and healthy! -Pastor Adam Ricks |

UPCOMING EVENTS AT CONNECT UMC September 12th: Sunday Youth Meetings: 5:00 – 6:30pm at ConnectUMC. (This is a new second Youth weekly meeting opportunity) Lead by Pastor Adam. Meets every Sunday NEW STUDY GROUPS: September 14th: “Before Amen” Study Group begins – Starts at 6:00pm, at ConnectUMC, every other Tuesday, 4 sessions only. Led by Ryan Hays September 20th: “Justice or Just Us?” Group begins – Starts at 6:30pm, at ConnectUMC, every other Monday, 4 sessions only. Led by Rhiannon Sisk September 26th: Ruth – Fields of Grace” Group begins – Starts at 5:00pm, at ConnectUMC, every other Sunday, 4 sessions only. Led by Kirsten Ledington October 16th: Girlfriends Connect is going Axe Throwing. 6pm. Please RSVP to Kari Click (communications@connectumc.org) September & October “What’s The Difference” – OTP Small Group Bible Study. Held 1st & 3rd Thursdays in September and October. Starts at 6:00pm. Led by Rev. Susan Grove. NEW SERMON SERIES “Putting It Back Together” Events: September 19th: Carnival Day – After worship stay for lunch, carnival booths, and outdoor games. September 26th: Sidewalk Chalk Art Day – After worship stay and decorate our sidewalks with your best chalk art! October 3rd: Treasure Hunt Day – After worship, Pastor Adam will have clues and buried treasures for us to hunt down outside |
Posted in Newsletter