Lent Devotion Guide #24 – Overcoming The Lies: I’m Not The Happy Type
An Introduction
Hello Connect Church Family! As we prepare for the coming of Easter I will be sharing a sermon series titled, “Overcoming the Lies.” To accompany the sermon series and help us grow as individual Christians, we have also put together this devotional guide. I hope this will be a blessing to you! Every weekday, for the next several weeks, you are invited to join your church family and spend a few moments in this book. A number of people from our church community have contributed to make this booklet possible. On other days I have shared short thoughts on scriptures and left space for you to pray through what the scripture means for you. I hope you will join me and many others in your church family as we prepare for the coming of Easter!
-Pastor Adam Ricks
Read: Psalm 150
Have you ever thought that you just aren’t the happy type? Maybe you think happiness isn’t part of your personality. Psalm 150 says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” and calls us all to praise Him with dancing and the sound of instruments. Part of having healthy relationship with others is that we spend quality time together. Our relationship with God is no different. When we spend time with Him in gratitude and praise, we become joyful people of God.
-Ryan and Courtney Hayes (ConnectUMC Members)