Lent Devotion Guide #20 – Overcoming The Lies: I’ll Do It Someday
An Introduction
Hello Connect Church Family! As we prepare for the coming of Easter I will be sharing a sermon series titled, “Overcoming the Lies.” To accompany the sermon series and help us grow as individual Christians, we have also put together this devotional guide. I hope this will be a blessing to you! Every weekday, for the next several weeks, you are invited to join your church family and spend a few moments in this book. A number of people from our church community have contributed to make this booklet possible. On other days I have shared short thoughts on scriptures and left space for you to pray through what the scripture means for you. I hope you will join me and many others in your church family as we prepare for the coming of Easter!
-Pastor Adam Ricks
Read: Luke 12:16-21
Fear and worry about tomorrow can sometimes make us be selfish or even sinful today. It is important that we choose faithfulness today. Read Luke 12:16-21 and write your thoughts in your guide or notebook. – Adam Ricks (Pastor ConnectUMC)