Praying The Psalms 150 Days-150 Prayers (Week 21)
Welcome to Week 21 of Praying through the Psalms.
The leaders in the Oklahoma annual conference have asked all members to read and pray through the book of Psalms. Why the Psalms? The Psalms are a therapeutic hymnal. A range of emotions are expressed in the sometime short, other times lengthy worshipful pieces of poetry and prose. The Psalms comprised the worship book for the Jewish tradition. What do these Psalms say to us today? Allow the Holy Spirit to move within your heart and speak to you anew as you reflect on these passages.
We have almost reached the end of our 150 days praying through the Psalms. Thank you for your faithfulness.
Psalm 142 – This Psalm is written for our instruction. It teaches us principally by example how to order our prayer in times of distress. Such instruction is among the most needful, practical, and effectual parts of our spiritual education. He who has learned how to pray has been taught the most useful of the arts and sciences. The disciples said unto the Son of David, “Lord, teach, us to pray”; and here David gives us a valuable lesson by recording his own experience as to supplication from beneath a cloud. ~ Charles H. Spurgeon’s Treasury of David

Monday – Read Psalm 139
Tuesday – Read Psalm 140
Wednesday – Read Psalm 141
Thursday – Read Psalm 142
Friday – Read Psalm 143
Saturday – Read Psalm 144
Sunday – Read Psalm 145
Pray and reflect on what you have read each day. How does it speak to us today?