A Message From Pastor Adam (05-07-2020)
May 8, 2020 / /
Hello Church Family! I pray that each of you are staying safe, happy, and healthy. As out state continues to gradually open back up I know many of you are getting eager to get back to worship in the church building. No decisions have been made, but I am hopeful that we will have a firm date to resume in person worship within the next several weeks. It is the duty of all Christians to make sure that we care for everyone even when it is difficult. At this time we can care for our neighbors by keeping our social distance from all who are vulnerable. For this reason we will continue exclusively with online worship through May 17th. After May 17th I am hopeful that we be able to announce a date for our return to in person worship. When we open the facility we will be making several process changes in order to minimize any risk. We will also be continuing a robust online worship experience so that those who are unable to attend in person will have a great worship option online. This Sunday we will continue our sermon series “Irrational Hope.” If you have not already liked our Facebook page I encourage you join us on Facebook so that you can worship with us this Sunday at 10:15 AM. Following Sunday worship we will be doing a event called “Dig Deeper: A Time of Fellowship and Discussion” immediately following our online experience. After Sunday morning virtual worship concludes you will be able to click on the zoom link and spend some amazing time chatting laughing with your fellow members of Connect Church. We will also have a brief discussion on the topics of worship from the day. The link for this event will be available on Sunday’s video, and is also available below. I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday! If you have any needs please reply to this email so that we can do everything that we can to be supportive on one another. We are a church family, we are not in this alone, so be encouraged. I am looking forward to seeing you all soon. Blessings to each of you! “Dig Deeper: A Time of Fellowship and Discussion” https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82215781899?pwd=Q3hJOGZYTG5yOFkwUlRLZU9sYXlOdz09 Meeting ID: 822 1578 1899 Password: 003435 Worship with us Online Sunday at 10:15 AM – Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/connectumc/ In Christ, Pastor Adam Ricks |
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