GPS Guide – March 24, 2020
Read: 2 Timothy 1:7 ESV
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. Without fear we have power. Power to do things that we could not do on our own.
Study: The things that we face throughout our lives can be very overwhelming. Sometimes it can seem like we are facing things that we don’t know how to handle. Maybe we are unprepared, and maybe the path that God has for us is simply more difficult than we would like. In 2 Timothy Paul is writing to his younger apprentice Timothy. Paul certainly faced his fair share of hardship, even facing down the threat of death. When Paul faced these difficult times it would have been easy to abandon his faith, his convictions, and his understanding of right and wrong. But instead Paul held fast to his convictions even when he was faced with fear. Today we have access to the same power of the Holy Spirit. This power allows us to remain faithful to ourselves even when we are afraid. We do not have to sin, abandon our convictions, or do things of which we are ashamed just because we are afraid. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to live with love and self control even in the midst of fear.
Prayer: God sometimes it is difficult to hold true to my values when I am afraid. Sometimes I have done things I wish I had not, and used my fear as an excuse. Please remind me that I have the power of the Holy Spirit. Remind me that even when I am afraid I can hold true to being the person you created. Amen