Happiness Project – Gratitude Journal Day 15 – November 1, 2019

For the past three weeks we’ve asked you to practice journaling. Today, grab your notebook one last time, read the daily verse and final journal question, then write your thoughts. Tomorrow, re-read and reflect what your wrote the past three weeks. Journaling can be a great way to “voice” or organize the jumble in our heart and mind to more clearly see God’s path for us. If this gave you insight or helped, consider continuing on your own, finding time to journal each day.
Read: Philippians 3:12-12
Journal: Philippians 3:12-13 above lets us know that we need to continue to grow throughout our lives. Daily habits of happiness include relaxing in God’s grace, remembering what matters most, getting to know Jesus better, reviewing where I need to grow, and forgetting what can’t be changed. Which of these do you need to work on the most? Journal for growth in these areas.