Happiness Project – Gratitude Journal Day 14 – October 31, 2019

This week we are continuing the practice of journaling. Grab a notebook and for the next few days read the daily verse and journal question, then write your thoughts. Journaling can be a great way to “voice” or organize the jumble in our heart and mind to more clearly see God’s path for us.
Read: Philippians 3:10
” 10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, ” (NIV Philippians 3:10)
Journal: Psalm 46:10 gives much needed advice for our world, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Read Philippians 3:10 above and let the full import of the verse sink in. Recognize that to know someone better, we must spend time with them. Think about the upcoming week. What can you cut out so that you can spend more time with Jesus? For the long-term, how can you carve out time to deepen your relationship?