Happiness Guide – Gratitude Journal Day 6 – October 21, 2019

This week we are continuing the practice of journaling. Grab a notebook and for the next few days read the daily verse and journal question, then write your thoughts. Journaling can be a great way to “voice” or organize the jumble in our heart and mind to more clearly see God’s path for us.
Read: Philippians 1:12
“12 Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. ” (NIV Philippians 1:12
Journal: When we take on God’s perspective in the midst of a problem, we are exercising faith that he has a bigger picture than we are seeing in the moment. People are watching, so how we choose to face the challenges in our lives can have a profound witness to unbelievers. Journal ways unbelievers might be impacted by watching your faith in difficult times. Why is what they see important?