GPS Guide – July 4, 2019
Read: Romans 12:1
“1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” (NIV Romans 12:1)
Study: Being a Christian can seem like a tall task at times. We are supposed to love everyone, give away our stuff, and lead lives different than the world around us just to name a few. This can seem overwhelming. Paul is addressing this very problem in speaking to the Romans. They felt these very same feelings. He tells them that we should start small. We should focus on simple things like eating, sleeping, going to work, and walking around. If we can do these simple things in a way that reflects God’s love, we will be able to do those more difficult things.
Pray: God, guide me in doing the simple things in my life in a Christian way. Through these small steps, lead me in deeper relation with you so that I can reflect that in the other relationships in my life. Amen.